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讲座题目:Common Prosperity for Rural China Begins at 0 to 3 Years Old
主 讲 人:Scott Rozelle(美国斯坦福大学 教授)
时 间:2024年5月31日 16:00—17:30
地 点:经管学院院楼211会议室
摘 要:
China has grown at a remarkable rate for the past four decades. The long-run plan for the nation is to continue steady growth over the next 15 years and achieve a level of high income. China has launched a major new policy effort called Common Prosperity. We believe that to develop an environment in China where all residents will be able to enjoy the prosperity that the nation is moving towards, it is essential to include a major effort in the area of Early Childhood Development (ECD) with a particular focus on the rural population.
This presentation’s main goal is to illustrate that Common Prosperity should begin by solving China’s biggest problem of young rural children. To do so, we will have five specific objectives. First, we will summarize the literature that shows that having a well-educated labor force is essential for helping a nation’s economy move from middle to high income. Second, we will show that there is high inequality in the levels of education in China. The paper will illustrate how poor ECD outcomes are a very important reason underlying the poor levels of education in China’s rural schools. Third, we will demonstrate that there is a serious problem of poor ECD outcomes across broad swaths of rural society. Fourth, we will document that one of the major sources of this problem is the absence of psycho-stimulating inputs by caregivers to their young children. Finally, we will document that there are clear solutions to these problems and conclude that the government needs to take rapid action to launch parental training programs across rural China in the very near future.
Scott Rozelle,斯坦福大学Helen F. Farnsworth荣誉教授,斯坦福中国经济与制度研究中心联席主任,农业村教育行动计划(REAP)联合主任。Scott Rozelle教授的研究重点是贫困经济学,尤其是农村教育、健康和营养问题。多次在顶尖学术期刊发表论文,包括《Science》、《Nature》《American Economic Review》和《the Journal of Economic Literature》。2007年,Scott Rozelle教授获得中华人民共和国国务院颁发的“国际科学技术合作奖”。2008年,获得温家宝总理授予的“友谊奖”(Friendship Award)。这是中国政府对贡献突出的外国专家给予的最崇高荣誉。