

姓名: 孟 婷


籍贯: 山西

民族: 汉族

学位: 博士

职称: 副教授

所属系: 农业经济系

E--mail: tmeng@cau.edu.cn

联系地址: 北京市海淀区清华东路17号中国农业大学经济管理学院

研究方向: 环境/能源经济学, 消费经济学,应用计量经济学



孟婷博士, 现任中国农业大学经济管理学院农业经济系副教授,2019年入选中国农业大学首批 “人才培育发展计划”青年科研新星A类。博士毕业于美国佐治亚大学(UGA)农业和应用经济学专业。加入中国农大之前,在美国麻省理工学院(MIT)从事环境经济与政策的博士后研究工作。主要研究方向为农业经济学和资源环境经济学,包括绿色技术和行为的微观主体采纳、生态绿色标识农产品的市场和消费、气候变化对农业生产的影响等方向,在Energy,Landscape and Urban Planning, China Agricultural Economics Review, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Waste Management,Resource、Conservation & Recycling等国际知名学术期刊上发表论文多篇。主持和参与国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、国家林草局、国家绿色食品发展中心等科研项目。


Ting Meng

Dr. Ting Meng is an Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University. She obtained her Ph.D. degree of Agricultural and Applied Economics from University of Georgia, the U.S. Before joining CAU, she worked as a Postdoctoral Associate in Environmental Economics and policy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),the U.S. Her research interests are agricultural economics and resource & environmental economics, including influence of climate change on agricultural production, green sustainable technology adoption and eco-friendly behavior, and eco-label agriproduct marketing and consumption. Many of her research works have been published in high-rank academic journals including Energy, Landscape and Urban Planning, China Agricultural Economics Review, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Waste Management, Resource, Conservation & Recycling. She participated in scientific research projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Social Science Foundation of China, National Bureau of Forestry and Grass, National Green Food Development Center.


2021.12-今, 中国农业大学(CAU),经济管理学院农业经济系, 副教授

2017.12-2021.12, 中国农业大学(CAU),经济管理学院农业经济系, 讲师

2015.09-2017.08,  美国麻省理工学院(MIT),环境经济和政策,博士后

2014.08-2015.08,  美国宾夕法尼亚大学(PENN),能源经济和政策,博士后

2014.02-2014.05,  奥地利自然资源与科学大学 (BOKU), 能源经济,访问学者









[1]    Meng, T., Jiang,Q.*, Florkowski, W.J. (2022) Pre- and post-production water treatment in the food processing industry: managerial perceptions of environmental pressure increase adoption of voluntary environmental management. China Agricultural Economic Review, 14(3), 583-604 (SSCI, Q1)

[2]    Tao Zhang#, Ting Meng#, Yong Hou*, Xiaofu Huang, Oene Oenema (2022) Which policy is preferred by crop farmers when replacing synthetic fertilizers by manure? A choice experiment in China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 180 (2022) 106176 (共同一作,SCI, Q1)

[3]    Meng, T., Wang, C., Florkowski, W. J., Yang, Z., 2021. Determinants of urban consumer expenditure on aquatic products in Shanghai, China. Aquacultural Economics and Management. https://doi.org/10.1080/13657305.2021.1996480 (SCI, Q1)

[4]    Fan, S., Cho, E. E., Meng, T., Rue, C. 2021. How to Prevent and Cope with Coincidence of Risks to the Global Food System. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 46(1).601-623.  (SCI, Q1)

[5]    葛静芳,司伟,孟婷. 环境规制对企业利润率的影响机理研究——基于广西壮族自治区糖厂的微观数据.管理评论. 33(8), 66-77, 138 (CSSCI)

[6]    韩青,刘起林,孟婷.农业生产托管薄弱环节补贴能否提高农户全程托管意愿?——以农业病虫害防治补贴为例[J/OL].华中农业大学学报(社会科学版):1-9 [2021-03-12] (CSSCI)

[7]    Tao Zhang, Yong Hou, Ting Meng, YiFei Ma, MeiXiu Tan, FuSuo Zhang, Oene Oenema. 2021. Replacing synthetic fertilizer by manure requires adjusted technology and incentives: A farm survey across China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 168, 105301. (SCI, Q1)

[8]    Meng, T., Carew, R., Florkowski, W.J. (2020) Determinants of the grant lag and the surrender lag of horticultural crop plant breeders’ rights applications: survival analysis with competing risks. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68, 489-512 (SSCI)

[9]    Hsu, D., Lim, T. C., Meng, T. (2020). Rocky Steps towards Adaptive Management and Adaptive Governance in Implementing Green Infrastructure at Urban Scale in Philadelphia. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 55, 126791. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2020.126791 (SSCI)

[10] 刘泽莹,韩一军*,孟婷.最低收购价下调对农户种粮积极性的影响研究——基于有调节的中介效应模型的实证分析[J].当代经济科学,2020,42(05):122-132(CSSCI)

[11] 徐甜甜,孟婷*,穆月英.(2020)我国省域玉米生产比较优势及其影响因素——基于20个玉米主产区2008-2017年面板数据实证. 中国农业大学学报(自然科学版),25(06):102-111(CSCD)(指导的本科毕业论文)

[12] Meng, T., Hsu, D. (2019). Stated preferences for smart green infrastructure in stormwater management. Landscape and Urban Planning. 187:1-10 (SCI, Q1)

[13] Yang, M. Zhao, X. Meng, T. (2019) What Are the Driving Factors of Pesticide Overuse in Vegetable Production? Evidence from Chinese Farmers. China Agricultural Economic Review. DOI:10.1108/CAER-08-2018-0170 (SCI/SSCI)

[14] 孟婷. 美国智能雨洪管理途径与发展前景研究[J]. 国际城市规划, 2018,33(3): 3-8 (CSSCI)

[15] Klepacka, A. M., Florkowski, W. J., Meng, T. (2018). Clean, accessible, and cost-saving: Reasons for rural household investment in solar panels in Poland. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 139:338-350.DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.09.004 (SCI, Q1)

[16] Meng, T., Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V. A. (2018). Regional Variations in Healthy Food Consumption among Urban Households: An Empirical Study of Ghana. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 2018, 1-24.

[17] Meng, T., Florkowski, W. J., Klepacka, A. M., Sarpong, D., Resurreccion, A.V. A., Chinnan, M., & Ekielski, A. (2017) Preferences for Groundnut Products among Urban residents in Ghana. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture 98(2): 817-824. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.8532. (SCI, Q1)

[18] Meng, T., Hsu, D., & Han, A. (2017). Measuring Energy Savings from Benchmarking Policies in New York City. Energy 133: 415-423. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2017.05.148 (SCI, Q1)

[19] Hsu. D., Meng, T., Han, A., & Suh, D. (2017). Planning Policies in the Life Cycle of Buildings to Reduce Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 0739456X17739674, DOI: 10.1177/0739456X17739674 (SSCI, Q1)

[20] Carew, R., Meng, T., Florkowski, W.J., & Blair, D. (2017). Climate Change Impacts on Hard Red Spring Wheat Yield and Production Risk: Evidence from Manitoba, Canada. Canadian Journal of Plant Sciences. DOI: 10.1139/CJPS-2017-0135. (SCI)

[21] Carew, R., Florkowski, W.J., & Meng, T. (2017). Intellectual property rights and plant variety protection of horticultural crops: Evidence from Canada Canadian Journal of Plant Science 97:1-18. DOI: 10.1139/cjps-2016-0239. (SCI)

[22] Carew, R., Florkowski, W.J., & Meng, T. (2017). Segmenting wine markets with diverse price functions: Evidence from California red and white wines sold in British Columbia. Wine Economics and Policy 6(1): 48-59. DOI: 10.1016/j.wep.2017.05.002.

[23] Meng, T., Carew, R., Florkowski, W.J., & Klepacka, A. (2016) Modeling Temperature and Precipita- tion Influences on Yield Distributions of Canola and Spring Wheat in Saskatchewan. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 56(4): 897-913. (SCI)

[24] Meng, T., Hsu, D. & Wadzuk, B. (2016). Green and/or Smart? Perspectives of City and Water Offi- cials in Pennsylvania Towards Adopting New Infrastructure Technologies for Stormwater Management. Sustainable Water in the Built Environment 3(2): 05017001.

[25] Meng, T., Klepacka, A.M., Florkowski, W. J., & Braman, K. (2016). Determinants of Recycling Common Types of Plastic Product Waste in Environmental Horticulture Industry: the Case of Georgia. Waste Management 48: 81-88. (SCI, Q1)

[26] Meng, T., Klepacka, A.M., Florkowski, W. J., & Braman, K. (2015). What Drives an Environmental Horticultural Firm to Start Recycling Plastics? Results of a Georgia Survey. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102: 1-8. (SCI, Q1)

[27] Meng, T., Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V.A. (2014). Consumer′s Food Shopping Choice in Ghana: Supermarket or Traditional Outlets? International Food & Agribusiness Management Review (IFAMR) 17(A): 107-129. (SCI/SSCI)

[28] Meng, T., Florkowski, W. J., Kolavalli, S., & Ibrahim, M. (2013). Coping with the Heteroscedasticity in Applied Research: A Comparison of Three Methods of Food Expenditure Estimation in North- ern Ghana′s Rural Households. Annals of The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists 15(6): 202-209.



[1]  David Hsu, Ting Meng, Albert T. Han, Daniel Suh. 2021. Chapter 13. Further Opportunities to Reduce the Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Buildings. Transformative Planning: Smarter, Greener and More Inclusive Practices, Edited By Andrea I. Frank, Christopher Silver, Routledge, New York, 9781003178545

[2]  孟婷(副主编),乡村振兴政策与实践,农业农村部农民教育培训规划教材,中国农业出版社,2021年8月,120千字

[3]  孟婷,加纳家庭食物消费与食品安全保障(专著),中国农业出版社,2020年6月

[4]  Florkowski, W. J., Klepacka, A. M., Madhavan Nambiar, P., Meng, T., Fu, S., Shermenk, G., & Sarpong, D. B. (2014). Consumer Expenditures on Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, In: Postharvest handling - a systems approach, 3rd ed., Elsevier, Chapter 7, 147-166


[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 72103188,基于技术-要素双重属性的有机肥施用农户响应、激励机制与对策模拟,2022.1-2024.12,30万,在研,主持。

[2] 北京市社会科学基金项目,食品质量安全视角下京郊设施农业投入品减量升级:农户采纳行为与管控激励研究,21JCC100,2021.10-2022.10,8万,在研,主持。

[3] 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 72061147002, 全球背景下优化中国农业补贴促进农业食物系统转型, Optimizing Chinese Agricultural Subsidies to Transform Agro-food Systems under the Global Context, 2021/01—2025/12,200万元,在研,子课题主持。

[4] 国家林业和草原局研究项目,国有草原资源有偿使用制度改革相关问题研究,2020.8-2021.8,15万,在研,主持。

[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,71974220,基于效力预测的耕地健康产能形成动力机制与财政支持体系研究,2020/01—2023/12, 56.72万元,在研,参与。

[6] 国家社会科学基金重大项目,18ZDA074,我国粮食生产水资源的时空匹配与优化路径研究,2019.01-2023.12,80万元,在研,参与。

[7] 国家社会科学基金重大项目,18ZDA072, 新形势下我国农业全要素生产率提升战略研究,2019.01-2023.12,80万元,在研,参与。

[8] 北京农业技术推广站委托课题,基于社会化服务的蔬菜产业链整合研究,2019.11-2019.12,2.3万元,结题,主持。

[9] 中国绿色食品发展中心重大项目,GXTC-C-19050052,绿色食品生态环境效应、经济效益和社会效应评价,2019.7-2020.9,400万,结题,子课题主持。







[1]  2022年中国农业大学优秀班主任

[2]  2022年第二届北京市教师教学创新大赛,北京市二等奖

[3]  2022年中国农业大学经济管理学院青年教师基本功比赛,一等奖

[4]  “青创北京”2022年“挑战杯”首都大学生创业计划(青振京郊赛道),金奖,指导教师

[5]  “青创北京”2022年“挑战杯”首都大学生创业计划(青力冬奥赛道),银奖,指导教师

[6]   “青创北京”2022年“挑战杯”首都大学生创业计划(青创副中心),铜奖,指导教师

[7]   2022年第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛,国家级铜奖,指导教师

[8]   2021年第二届中国农业大学教师教学创新大赛,一等奖

[9]   2021年中国农业大学年度优秀教师

[10] China Agricultural Economics Review (CAER) High Citation Award(2020-2021)

[11] 2021年“第十一届”挑战杯首都大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛“红色实践”专项赛,特等奖, 指导教师

[12] 2021年“第十一届”挑战杯首都大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛,三等奖,指导教师

[13] 2020年“天津高校智库优秀决策咨询研究成果”三等奖,成果名称:“疫情防控期间我市居民食物保障情况的调研与对策建议”
