

姓名: 张 伟


籍贯: 山东


学位: 博士

职称: 讲师

所属系: 经济贸易系

E--mail: wei.zhang@cau.edu.cn

联系地址: 北京市海淀区清华东路17号中国农业大学经济管理学院,100083

研究方向: 国际贸易,价格分析,发展经济学




Wei Zhang

Wei Zhang is an Assistant Professor at China Agricultural University, College of Economics and Management. He obtained his Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from University of Kentucky. His research focuses on International Trade, Price Analysis, and Development Economics.










1. Zhang, W., Saghaian, S., & Reed, M. (2023). Investigation of Export-Driving Forces and Trade Potentials of the U.S. Bourbon Whiskey Industry. Applied Economics, 1-21.

2. Li, M., Zhang, Y., W. Zhang, Zhao, S., Piao X., Yin, B. (2023). CSAT: Contrastive Sampling-Aggregating Transformer for Community Detection in Attribute-Missing Networks. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems.

3. Li, M., Zhang, Y., W. Zhang, Chu, Y., Hu Y., Yin, B. (2023). Self-supervised Nodes-Hyperedges Embedding for Heterogeneous Information Network Learning. IEEE Transactions on Big Data.

4. Zhang, W., & Marchant, M.A. (2019). US-China Sorghum Trade Analysis within the Trade Conflict: Growth, Trends, and Forecast. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 20(5), 80-100.

5. Hansen, J., Marchant, M.A., W. Zhang, & Grant, J. (2018). Upheaval in China's Imports of US Sorghum. Choices, 33(2), 1-8. This article was part of a Choices Theme Issue awarded the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Quality of Communication Award. 


1. Zhang, W., Saghaian, S., Reed, M. (2020, August). Investigation of Export-Driving Forces of U.S. Distilling Industry: Insights Regarding Bourbon Whiskey. Poster presented at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Virtual Meeting.

2. Zhang, W., & Saghaian, S. (2020, February) The Role of Coffee Futures Market in Price Discovery and Interplay Analysis of Coffee Futures and Spot Market Prices. Paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA) Annual Meeting. Louisville, Kentucky.

3. Zhang, W., & Marchant, M. (2019, July). U.S.-China Sorghum Trade Analysis within the Trade Dispute: Growth, Trends, and Forecast. Paper presented at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia.

4. Marchant, Mary A. and W. Zhang. (2016, July). "A Case Study - Supplying China's Growing Appetite for Poultry." Paper presented at the U.S. Agribusiness Exporters to China: Challenges and Success Stories Track Session #2103 (session organized by Marchant & J. Hansen) sponsored by both the AAEA-China section and the AAEA-Agribusiness Economics Management section, presented at the 2016 AAEA annual meeting, Boston, MA. July 31- Aug


1. Price Discovery and Volatility Spillovers in the Coffee Spot-Futures Commodity Markets, with Sayed Saghaian and Michael Reed.

2. Investigation of Export-Driving Forces of U.S. Distilling Industry: Insights Regarding Bourbon Whiskey, with Sayed Saghaian and Michael Reed.

3. Dynamics and Determinants of Value-added Agricultural Comparative Advantage: Insights from Selected OECD Nations, with Sayed Saghaian and Michael Reed.

4. Self-supervised Nodes-Hyperedges Embedding for Heterogeneous Information Network Learning, with Mengran Li, et al. 



  1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,《外部冲击下的中国大豆产业韧性及供给保障体系研究》,2024.01-2026.12,在研

  2. 中国农业大学基本科研业务费项目,《南南农业合作夯实中国粮食安全根基的机制和政策保障研究》,2023.01-2023.10,在研

  3. 农业农村部国际合作司,《产业损害调查》,2023.05-2023.12,在研

  4. 中国农业大学基本科研业务费项目,《“中巴经济走廊”框架内农产品贸易潜力和可持续性发展研究》,2022.01-2022.10,已结项


  1. 国家社会科学基金重大项目,《南南农业合作促进我国粮食安全的政策与机制研究》,2022.12-2027.12,在研

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,《极端气候事件的牧户行为响应与发展韧性研究:基于支持政策视角》,2024.01-2027.12,在研 

  3. 国家发展和改革委员会发展战略和规划司项目,《构建多元化食物供给体系研究》,2022.11-2022.12,已结项

  4. 水利部发展研究中心项目,《水利发展形势研判与政策建议》(2023),2023.06-2023.12,在研

  5. 水利部发展研究中心项目,《水利发展形势研判与政策建议》(2022),2022.06-2022.12,已结项

  6. USDA-NIFA, Hatch Project under KY004052-1012994, “Price Analysis and Dynamics of Price Adjustment along the Food Supply Chain in an Environment of Food Safety Incidents and Highly Integrated Monopolistically Competitive Agriculture and Food Industries." 2019-2021

  7. USDA-NIFA, Grant NO. 2014-67023-21946, “Expanding U.S. Market Access in China's Evolving Agricultural & Trade Policy Environment.” 2015-2017. 

  8. Internal Research Seed Grant. Virginia Tech (VT)-Institute for Society, Culture & Environment (ISCE) Scholars Program,“The Impact of Diversifying China's Global Agri-Food Suppliers on U.S. Exports”. 2017.


Instructor of Record, China Agricultural University

1. Applied Economics Literature Frontier and Seminar. Spring 2023

2. Political Economics. Spring 2023

Instructor of Record, University of Kentucky

1. International Agriculture, World Food Needs and U.S. Trade in Agricultural Products (AEC 309). Fall 2020. 

2. Introduction to Analysis with Business Software (AEC 351). Spring 2020. 

Teaching Assistant, University of Kentucky

1. Advanced Agribusiness Management Strategies (AEC 622). Spring 2021.

2. Agribusiness Management (AEC 422). Spring 2021 & Spring 2020. 

3. International Agriculture, World Food Needs and U.S. Trade in Agricultural Products (AEC 309). Fall 2019. 

Teaching Assistant, Virginia Tech

1. Environmental Econ Analysis & Management (AAEC 1005). Spring. 2016.

2. International Agricultural Development and Trade (AAEC 3202). Fall. 2015. 


1. 2019 Quality of Communication Award, Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) 

2. 2019 Hayek Fund for Scholars, Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University.

3. 2019 Graduate Student Congress (GSC) Travel Award, University of Kentucky.

4. Vice President. Graduate Student Organization (GSO). Department of Agricultural Economics. University of Kentucky.

5. Attended Virginia Governor's Conference on Agricultural Trade.

6. Attended Kentucky Lenders' Conference
