

姓名: 夏 芳


籍贯: 河北秦皇岛


学位: 博士

职称: 教授

所属系: 农业经济系

E--mail: xiafang@cau.edu.cn

联系地址: 北京市海淀区清华东路17号中国农业大学经济管理学院

研究方向: 农业经济学、发展经济学、能源经济学


夏芳,中国农业大学经济管理学院教授。2013年5月毕业于美国密歇根州立大学农业、食品与资源经济学系,获得农业经济学博士学位。研究主要围绕全球发展中国家的可持续发展问题展开,重点关注农村土地制度与土地市场、妇女儿童的健康与教育、可再生能源政策等方面。在 American Journal of Agricultural Economics,Energy Economics,Food Policy,Journal of Development Studies,Land Economics,Nature Communications,World Development 等英文学术期刊上发表论文20篇,并主持国家自然科学基金项目和教育部人文社科基金项目。 



2008.09-2013.05    密歇根州立大学    农业经济学博士   

2006.09-2008.07    南开大学    经济学硕士   

2002.09-2006.07    北京大学    哲学和经济学学士    



2024.05 - 至今          中国农业大学经济管理学院    教授

2019.01 - 2024.04    对外经济贸易大学全球价值链研究院    副研究员

2016.09 - 2018.12    对外经济贸易大学全球价值链研究院    助理研究员

2013.09-2016.08    中央财经大学中国人力资本与劳动经济研究中心    助理教授 

2010.06 - 2013.08    世界银行发展研究部    咨询顾问



1. Li, Haoyang, Feng Song and Fang Xia* (2024) "Speeding up Renewable Energy Integration with Invisible Hands: Ancillary Service Market and the COVID-19 Natural Experiment," The Energy Journal, forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.1177/01956574241240025

2. Yang, Fanzheng, Lingling Hou and Fang Xia* (2024) "Intergenerational Altruism, Pessimism Bias on Tenure Insecurity, and Sustainable Land Use: Evidence from Household Grassland Management in China," Ecological Economics, 215: 108003.

3. Song, Feng, Lingling Hou and Fang Xia* (2023) "Evaluating the External Effect of Wind Power Development on Grassland Quality," Land Economics, 99(3): 364-379.

4. Xia, Fang* (2022) "Infant Mortality and Desired Fertility: The Case of the Free Health Care Initiative in Sierra Leone," Journal of Development Studies, 58(10): 2001-2020. 

5. Deininer, Klaus, Fang Xia*, Talip Kilic and Heather Moylan (2021) "Investment Impacts of Gendered Land Rights in Customary Tenure Systems: Substantive and Methodological Insights from Malawi," World Development, 147: 105654.  

6. Hou, Lingling, Fang Xia, Qihui Chen, Jikun Huang, Yong He, Nathan Rose and Scott Rozelle (2021) "Grassland Ecological Compensation Policy in China Improves Grassland Quality and Increases Herders' Income," Nature Communications, 12: 4683.

7. Xia, Fang, Xi Lu and Feng Song (2020) "The Role of Feed-in-Tariff in the Curtailment of Wind Power in China," Energy Economics, 86: 104661.  

8. Xia, Fang, Lingling Hou, Songqing Jin and Dongqing Li (2020) "Land Size and Productivity in the Livestock Sector: Evidence from Pastoral Areas in China," Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 64(3): 867-888.

9. Deininger, Klaus, Songqing Jin, Shouying Liu and Fang Xia (2020) "Property Rights Reform to Support China's Rural-Urban Integration: Household-Level Evidence from the Chengdu Experiment," Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 64(1): 30-54.

10. Deininger, Klaus, Songqing Jin, Shouying Liu, Ting Shao and Fang Xia* (2019) "Property Rights Reform to Support China's Rural-Urban Integration: Village-Level Evidence from the Chengdu Experiment," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 81(6): 1214-1251.    

11. Xia, Fang* and Klaus Deininger (2019) "Spillover Effects of Tobacco Farms on the Labor Supply, Education, and Health of Children: Evidence from Malawi," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 101(4): 1181-1202.    

12. Deininger, Klaus, Songqing Jin, Hari Nagarajan and Fang Xia* (2019) "Inheritance Law Reform, Empowerment, and Human Capital Accumulation: Second-Generation Effects from India," Journal of Development Studies, 55(12): 2549-2571.    

13. Deininger, Klaus, Fang Xia* and Stein Holden (2019) "Gendered Incidence and Impacts of Tenure Insecurity on Agricultural Performance in Malawi's Customary Tenure System," Journal of Development Studies, 55(4): 597-619.

14. Deininger, Klaus and Fang Xia* (2018) "Assessing the Long-Term Performance of Large-Scale Land Transfers: Challenges and Opportunities in Malawi's Estate Sector," World Development, 104: 281-296. 

15. Xia, Fang and Feng Song (2017) "The Uneven Development of Wind Power in China: Determinants and the Role of Supporting Policies," Energy Economics, 67: 278-286.  

16. Xia, Fang and Feng Song (2017) "Evaluating the Economic Impacts of Wind Power Development on Local Economies in China," Energy Policy, 110: 263-270.     

17. Deininger, Klaus, Sara Savastano and Fang Xia* (2017) "Smallholders' Land Access in Sub-Saharan Africa: A New Landscape?" Food Policy, 67: 78-92. 

18. Deininger, Klaus and Fang Xia* (2016) "Quantifying Spillover Effects from Large Land-based Investment: The Case of Mozambique," World Development, 87: 227-241. 

19. Deininger, Klaus, Songqing Jin, Hari Nagarajan and Fang Xia* (2015) "Does Female Reservation Affect Long-Term Political Outcomes? Evidence from Rural India," Journal of Development Studies, 51(1): 32-49.    

20. Deininger, Klaus, Songqing Jin, Fang Xia* and Jikun Huang (2014) "Moving off the Farm: Land Institutions to Facilitate Structural Transformation and Agricultural Productivity Growth in China," World Development, 59: 505-520. 



Smallholders' Land Ownership and Access in Sub-Saharan Africa: A New Landscape? (With Klaus Deininger and Sara Savastano) in Luc Christiaensen and Lionel Demery (eds.), Agriculture in Africa: Telling Myths from Facts. Washington, DC: World Bank Publications, 2017.










