

姓名: 田 旭


籍贯: 湖北黄冈

民族: 汉族

学位: 博士

职称: 教授

所属系: 农业经济系

E--mail: tianxu@cau.edu.cn

联系地址: 北京市海淀区清华东路17号中国农业大学经济管理学院

研究方向: 食物消费与营养健康、农业生产与农村发展



田旭,男,1984年8月出生,湖北黄冈人,农业经济学博士,国家级青年人才项目。2006年毕业于北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院金融学本科专业,2009年毕业于清华大学公共管理学院区域经济学硕士专业,之后获国家留学基金委资助赴德国哥廷根大学农业经济与农村发展系攻读博士,2013年5月获农业经济学博士学位。2013年6月至2021年3月就职于南京农业大学经济管理学院,先后任副教授、教授。2021年3月入职中国农业大学经济管理学院。主要研究食物消费与营养健康、农业生产转型、以及经济增长与不平等。主持、参与国家自然科学基金项目、国家社会科学基金项目5项。在包括Nature Food, Food Policy, Global Food Security, World Development, China Economic Review, Economic Modelling, Applied Economics, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Economic & Human Biology,《经济学季刊》、《农业经济问题》等国内外核心学术期刊发表论文90余篇。


Xu Tian

Xu Tian was born in 12th August, 1984, in Huanggang city, Hubei province. He received his bachelor in finance in Beijing Normal University in 2006, and master in applied economics in Tsinghua University in 2009. Between 2009 and 2013, he did PhD program in agricultural economics in the University of Goettingen, Germany. He worked at the College of Economics and Management in Nanjing Agricultural University from 20013 to 2021. Currently he is a professor in agricultural economics at College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University (CAU). His research mainly focuses on food consumption and nutrition health, agricultural transformation, economic development and inequality. He is the principal investigator Co-PI of several projects granted by National Foundation of Sciences of China (NSFC). He has published more than 70 academic articles in both domestic and international high-ranked journals such as Nature Food, Global Food Security, World Development, Food Policy, China Economic Review.





2009/09-2013/05:德国哥廷根大学Georg-August-Universität Göttingen,农业经济与农村发展博士

2017/08-2017/12:美国密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)访问学者









1. Minghui Hou, Shi Min*, Ping Qing, Tian X.: Can a knowledge calendar improve dietary knowledge? Evidence from a field experiment in rural China, World Development, 2023, Vol. 174; 106447.

2. Shen, J., Zhu, Z.Qaim, M., Fan, S., Tian, X.*: E-commerce improves dietary quality of rural households in China, Agribusiness, 2023, Vol. 39(S1): 1495-1511.

3. Wang Xiaobing*, Fangxiao Zhao, Tian X.*, Shi Min*, Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel, Jikun Huang, Shenggan Fan: How online food delivery platforms contributed to the resilience of the urban food system in China during the COVID-19 pandemic. Global Food Security 2022, 35, 100658.

4. Tian X.* and von Cramon-Taubadel S.: Are only children in China more likely to be obese/overweight than their counterparts with siblings? Economic & Human Biology, 2020, Vol. 37.

5. Huang Y., Tian X.*: Food accessibility, diversity of agricultural production, and dietary pattern in rural China, Food Policy, 2019, Vol.84:92-102.

6. Tian X., Wu M., Zang J., Zhu Y., Wang H.*: Dietary diversity and adiposity in Chinese men and women: an analysis of four waves of cross-sectional survey data. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2017, 71: 506-511.

7. Tian X. and Yu X.*: Using Semiparametric Models to Study Nutrition Improvement and Dietary Change with Different Indices: The Case of China, Food Policy. 2015, Vol.53: 67-81.

8. Tian X. and Yu X.*: The Demand for Nutrients in China, Frontiers of Economics in China. 2013, Vol. 8(2): 186–206.

9. 周莹、谢清心、张林秀、田旭*新冠肺炎疫情对农村居民食物消费的影响,《农业技术经济》,2022年第7期:34-47。

10. 田旭*、黄莹莹、钟力、王辉: 中国农村留守儿童营养状况分析,《经济学季刊》,2018年第17卷第1期:247-276。



1. Xie, Q., Yi, F., Tian, X.*: Disparate changes of living standard in China: perspective from Engel’s coefficient. China Agricultural Economic Review, 2022.

2. Zhu Z., X. Ma, Tian X. & T. Zhang: The value of food products from mixed crop-livestock systems: environmental benefits and regional environmental carrying capacity, Applied Economics, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2022.2099804

3. Tian X.* and von Cramon-Taubadel S.: Economic consequences of African swine fever. Nature Food, Views & News, 2020, Vol. 1: 196-197.

4. Tian X., Yi F., and Yu X.*: Rising Cost of Labor and Transformations in Grain Production in China, China Agricultural Economic Review, 2019, Vol. 12(1): 158-172.

5. Mwalupaso G., Korotoumou M., Eshetie A., Alavo J. E., Tian X.*: Recuperating dynamism in agriculture through adoption of sustainable agricultural technology - Implications for cleaner production, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, Vol. 232: 639-647.

6. 田旭*:隐性壁垒、城市融入与农业户籍流动人口落户,《农业经济问题》,2022年第12期:45-58。

7. 陈鹏程、田旭、何军*:市场发育、劳动合同异质性与农民工工资的溢价效应—基于CHIP数据的实证研究,《农业技术经济》,2019年第6期:107-119。

8. 王善高、田旭:农村劳动力老龄化对农业生产的影响研究,《农业技术经济》,2018年第4期:15-26。

9. 张淑雯、田旭*、王善高:农业劳动力老龄化对小麦生产机械化与技术效率的影响——基于地形特征的分析,《中国农业大学学报》,2018年第18卷第10期:174-182。

10. 田旭*张淑雯:单位面积利润变化与我国粮食种植结构调整,《华南农业大学学报(社科版)》,2017年第6期:59-71。



1. Zhang X., and Tian X.*: Firm-level TFP growth in Chinese automobile industry, Frontier of Economics in China, 2020, Vol.15(1): 616–636. DOI 10.3868/s060-008-019-0024-2.

2. Tian X., Yu X.: Yield Gap and Convergence in African Countries, Food Security, 2019, Vol. 11:1305–1319. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12571-019-00972-5.

3. Zhang X., Yu X., Tian X., Geng X., Zhou Y.: Farm size, inefficiency, and rice production cost in China. Journal of Productivity Analysis.2019, Vol. 52:1-3, 57-68.

4. Zhan J., Tian X., Zhang Y., Yang X., Tan T.: The Effects of Agricultural R&D on Chinese Agricultural Productivity Growth: New Evidence of Convergence and Implications for Agricultural R&D Policy, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2017, Vol. 65(3): 453-475.

5. Tian X., Sun F. and Zhou Y.*: Technical Efficiency and Its Determinants in China's Hog Production, Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2015, Vol. 14(6): 1057-1068.

6. Zhou Y., Zhang X., Tian X., Geng X.*, Zhang P., Yan B.: The Technical and environmental efficiency of hog production in China - A stochastic frontier production function analysis, Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2015, Vol. 14(6): 1069-1080.

7. Tian X. and Yu X.*: The Enigmas of TFP in China: A Meta-Analysis, China Economic Review, 2012, Vol.23 (2): 396-414.

8. 田旭、于晓华*、张晓恒:中国粮食生产潜能分析:一个基于“俱乐部收敛”的视点,《浙江大学学报人文社科版》,2016年第4期:112-128。(人大书报资料中心全文转载)

9. 孙顶强*、卢宇彤、田旭:生产性服务对中国水稻生产技术效率的影响——基于吉、浙、湘、川4省微观调查数据的实证分析,《中国农村经济》,2016年第8期:70-81。

10. 田旭*、王善高:中国粮食生产环境效率及其影响因素分析,《资源科学》,2016年第38卷11期:2106-2116。



1. Tian, X., Lin F.* (2023): Trade liberalization and nutrition transition: evidence from China, Economic and Human Biology, Vol.51: 101304.

2. Ying Zhou, Zijun Luo, Xu Tian* (2023): The Impact of Animal Disease Outbreaks on China’s Meat Imports, Emerging Market Finance and Tradehttps://doi.org/10.1080/1540496X.2023.2223929.

3. Mosses Lufuke, Xu Tian* (2024): Women’s empowerment and food consumption: Evidence from female-headed households in Tanzania, Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2024, 23(2): 2–12.

4. Wang S., Tian X.*, Zhou Y.: The Trade-off between Quantity and Quality in Family Fertility Decision: Evidence from the Family Planning Policy in China. Frontier of Economics in China, 2021, Vol. 16(1): 473–510.

5. Luo Z., Tian X.*: Can China’s Meat Imports Be Sustainable? A Case Study of Mad Cow Disease, Applied Economics, 2018, Vol. 50(9): 1022-1042. 

6. Tian X., Yu X.*, Klasen S.: Gender Discrimination in China Revisited: A Perspective from Family Welfare, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 2018, Vol. 16(1): 95-115.

7. Tian X., Yu X.*: The Quality of Imported Fruits in China. Emerging Market Finance and Trade. 2017, Vol. 53: 1603-1618.

8. Zhang X., Zhou Y., Geng X.*, Tian X.: The Intensive and Extensive Margins of China’s Agricultural Trade, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2017, Vol. 65(3): 431-451.

9. Tian X., Zhang X., Zhou Y., and Yu X.*: Regional Income Inequality in China Revisited: A Perspective from Club Convergence, Economic Modelling. 2016, Vol. 56: 50-58. 



1. 国家自然科学基金地区与组织间合作交流项目(72361147521):“营养目标下的食物供给与消费均衡研究”,2024.01-20228.12,项目负责人(199.6万)

2. 中国农业大学基本科研业务费(2023TC105):“大食物观下食物供求均衡研究”, 2023.01.01-2023.10.30, 项目负责人(2万)。

3. 国家社科基金后期资助项目(21FGLB013):改革开放40年劳动力价格上升与农业生产转型,2021.10.27-2023.12.30,项目负责人(25万)

4. 中国农业大学基本科研业务费(2021TC013):新冠疫情对农村居民膳食消费结构与质量的影响研究, 2021.01.01-2021.10.30, 项目负责人(3万)。

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71473123):劳动力成本上升背景下农业生产方式转变与结构调整研究,2015.1-2018.12,项目负责人(60万)。

6. 中央高校基本科研业务费人文社会科学基金面上项目(SK2014038):劳动力成本上升背景下我国种植结构调整研究,2014.7-2016.6,项目负责人(2万)。


1. 国家社科基金重大项目(22&ZD084):“推动农业机械化智能化保障粮食安全的路径和机制创新研究”, 2023.01-2027.12,子项目负责人。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(72174088):“双循环”背景下我国食物需求转型与基于营养健康目标的粮食安全研究,2022/01-2025/12,参与人。

3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(71333008):新时期农业发展的国家政策支持体系研究,2014.1-2018.12,子项目负责人。

4. 国家社科基金重大项目(14ZDA037):加快构建新型农业经营体系研究, 2014.7-2017.12,参与人。

5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71403128):多哈回合农产品特殊保障机制对我国农产品市场的经济影响研究,2015.1-2017.12,参与人。





1. 2023年国家级青年人才

2. 2023年第九届中国农村发展研究奖提名奖

3. 2021年Journal of Integrative Agriculture 优秀审稿人

4. 2021: CAER Highly Recommended Papers in 2020

5. 2021年中国农业大学“杰出人才”

6. 2020: China Agricultural Economic Review优秀审稿人

7. 2019南京农业大学“钟山学术骨干B岗”

8. 2018年江苏省“333”工程“中青年学术技术带头人”

9. 2018年南京农业大学“盛泉学者”

10. 2018: Journal of Integrative Agriculture 优秀审稿人

11. 2018: China Agricultural Economic Review优秀审稿人

12. 2017: China Agricultural Economic Review优秀审稿人

13. 2017: World Development优秀审稿人

14. 2015年江苏省“双创博士”

15. 2015年南京农业大学“钟山学术新秀”
