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姓名: 宋默西


出生年月: 1987

籍贯: 河北


学位: 博士

职称: 副教授

所属系: 工商管理系

E--mail: songmx@cau.edu.cn

联系地址: 中国农业大学东校区, 行政楼306

研究方向: 战略管理,供应链管理,涉农企业管理



宋默西现任中国农业大学经济管理学院副教授,香港浸会大学商学院管理学博士。主要研究领域是战略管理、供应链管理和涉农企业管理,包括组织学习,知识共享与管理,组织创新、企业环境和文化、大数据管理与应用等。主持国家自然科学基金(71803183)、农业部专项基金等多项国家级和省部级课题。相关研究发表在Journal of Integrative Agriculture (SCI), Baltic Journal of Management (SSCI), International Journal of Psychology (SSCI), Social Behavior and Personality (SSCI), 经济社会体制比较 (CSSCI) 等国内外高水平期刊上。担任Baltic Journal of Management; China Agricultural Economic Review等多个SCI/SSCI期刊审稿人。并在国内外顶级管理学会议,如Academy of Management Annual Meeting, British Academy of Management Annual Meeting,中国管理学年会(IACMR)上发表会议论文若干。


Song Moxi

Prof. Song Moxi is an Associate Professor in College of Economics and Management at China Agricultural University. She received her PhD in Management from School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University. Her research interests lie in a broad array of strategic management, supply chain management and agricultural enterprise management issues including organizational learning, knowledge sharing and management, innovation, organizational culture and environment, and big data management and application. She is presiding over several research projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and Ministry of Agriculture in China. Her research work has been published in journals, including the Journal of Integrative Agriculture (SCI), Baltic Journal of Management (SSCI), International Journal of Psychology (SSCI), Social Behavior and Personality (SSCI), Comparative Economic and Social Systems (CSSCI). Prof. Song Moxi is currently serving as the reviewer of journals such as Baltic Journal of Management and China Agricultural Economic Review. She has also published papers in top management conferences, including Academy of Management Annual Meeting, British Academy of Management Annual Meeting.


香港浸会大学,商学院市场学系,管理学博士, 2011-2014

香港理工大学,工程学院电子商务学系,理学硕士, 2009-2011

北京科技大学,经济管理学院国际经济与贸易系,经济学学士, 2005-2009



中国农业大学经济管理学院, 副教授  2019.12-至今

中国农业大学经济管理学院, 讲师  2014.12-2019.12



1、  Song M* & Yang X (2019). Leveraging Core Capabilities and Environmental Dynamism for Food Traceability and Firm Performance in a Food Supply Chain: A Moderated Mediation Model. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 18 (8) , 1820-1837. (SCI)

2、  Song M & Liao Y (2019). Information Sharing, Operations Capabilities, Market Intelligence Responsiveness and Firm Performance: A Moderated Mediation Model. Baltic Journal of Management, 14 (1), 58-78 . (SSCI)

3、  Zeng J; Yu Y; Song M*; Yang X & Li J (2019). Prosocial Individual Values and Collective Action: Does the Societal Culture Matter? Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal,, 47 (5), 1-9. (SSCI)

4、  Zhu H, Lyu Y & Song M* (2016). The Effect of Workplace Ostracism on Service Employees' Proactive Customer Service Performance. International Journal of Psychology, 13 (2), 99-100. (SSCI)

5、  廖媛红,宋默西*.小农户生产与农业现代化发展:日本现代农业政策的演变与启示[J].经济社会体制比较,2020(01):84-92. (CSSCI)

6、  Tian X, Lo V & Song M* (2016). The 'Insider' and 'Outsider' Effects of FDI Technology Spillovers: Some Evidence. Journal of Developing Areas,50 (5), 1-12..

7、  Tian X, Lo V & Song M * (2015). FDI Technology Spillovers in China: Implications for Developing Countries. The Journal of Developing Areas,49 ( 6), 37-48.

8、  Song M* & Liu J (2013).The Interpersonal Interaction in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environment. International Journal on E-Learning,12 (3), 329-351.

9、  Tian X, Song M* & Tian R (2012).Socially Responsible Foreign Direct Investment: A Challenge to TNCs in Emerging Markets? Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 6 (2), 158-171.

10、         Tian X, Song M* & Tian R (2012).A Strategic Management Approach to Guanxi in China? Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, 8(1), 31-38.

11、         Song M* & Wu W (2016). Information Sharing, Ordinary Capabilities and Firm Performance. Academy of Management Proceedings

12、         Song M* & Wu W (2017). Information Sharing, Ordinary Capabilities and Firm Performance: the Moderating Role of Environmental Turbulence. British Academy of Management Proceedings






1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,71803183,大数据吸收能力对我国农业企业突破式创新的影响机制研究,2019/01-2021/12,主持。

2. 农业部财政项目,051821301112421010,农业监测统计业务支撑,2018/01-2019/12,主持。

3. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,2019TC011,农产品供应链知识共享对我国农业企业绿色创新的影响机制研究, 2019/01-2019/11,主持

4. 中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师项目,2015QC028,企业间信息共享与企业绩效间接关系的研究,2015/01-2017/12,主持。

5. 国家社会科学基金重点项目,16AGL012,利用互联网信息技术提升农产品流通效率研究, 2016/09-2019/06,参加

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,71973136,我国农村学生营养认知,食物多样性及健康研究, 2020/01-2023/12,参加。

7. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,71603259,多元信息传递视角下互联网金融对缓解农户信贷约束的影响及对策优化,2017/01-2019/12,参加。

8. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,71603261,“农村义务教育学生营养改善计划”的政策工具选择及机制研究, 2017/01-2019/12,参加。






1. 2017  理论与实践并重的物流与供应链管理教学模式构建与实施 校级教学成果奖二等奖

2. 2015  经济管理学院第十届青年教师教学基本功大赛优秀奖

3. 2012  Ace Style International Limited Scholarship, 香港浸会大学
