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  • 博士后


姓名: 赵启然


出生年月: 1981.12

籍贯: 河北


学位: 博士

职称: 副教授

办公电话: 010-62738530

所属系: 农业经济系

E--mail: zhaoqiran@cau.edu.cn

联系地址: 海淀区清华东路17号中国农业大学经济管理学院

研究方向: 发展经济学;人力资本;营养与教育政策及其效果评估等



中国农业大学经济管理学院副教授,博士生导师,农业经济系主任。主要从事农村发展,农村教育与营养健康,农村公共政策影响评估等方面研究。2014年博士毕业于德国马丁路德大学。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、教育部人文社科基金、农业农村部等多项国家级和省部级课题。近年来发表学术论文四十余篇,相关研究发表在China Economic Review; Economic and Human Biology; Economic Development and Cultural Change; Economics Letters; Journal of Development Studies; British Medical Journal等SSCI/SCI期刊及《农业技术经济》,《劳动经济研究》,《中国农村经济》,《中国软科学》等CSSCI期刊

Qiran Zhao

Associate professor and doctoral supervisor of College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University. His research interests include Rural Development; Rural Education, Nutrition and Health; Impact Evaluation of Rural Public Policy. He received a doctor’s degree from Martin Luther University in Germany in 2014. He got more than 10 major research project grants from China and international donors to work on agricultural and rural development, including grants from National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, World Bank, United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, etc. In recent years, he has published more than 40 academic papers, and relevant researches have been published in China Economic Review; Economic and Human Biology; Economic Development and Cultural Change; Economic Letters; Journal of Development Studies; British Medical Journal, etc.











1.      Zhai, S; Chen, Q; Zhao, Q*. Beauty and popularity in friendship networks—Evidence from migrant schools in China. Economics Letters, 2022, Vol (215), 110468

2.      Cui, Y., Si W., Zhao Q., Glauben T. and Feng L.* The Impact of COVID-19 on Dietary Diversity of Children and Adolescents: Evidence from a Rural-Urban Panel Study. China & World Economy. 2021, 29 (6) , 53-72.

3.      Liu, Z., Si W., Zhao Q. and Tao C.*. Does Subjective Dietary Knowledge Affect Sugar-Sweetened Carbonated Beverages Consumption and Child Obesity? Empirical Evidence from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021, 18, 3713.

4.      Zhu, C; Chen, Q; Si, W; Li, Y; Chen, G; Zhao, Q*. Alcohol Use and Depression: a Mendelian Randomization Study from China. Frontiers in Genetics. 2020. 585351.

5.      Tao, C; Zhao, Q; Glauben, T; Ren, Y*. Does Dietary Diversity Reduce the Risk of Obesity? Empirical Evidence from Rural School Children in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020, 17, 8122.

6.      Chen, Q; Yu, C; Zhao, Q*. Impacts of boarding on primary school students' mental health outcomes – Instrumental-Variable evidence from rural northwestern China. Economics and Human Biology, 2020, 39, 100920

7.      Chen, Q; Pei C; Zhao, Q*. Intrahousehold flypaper effectsQuasi-experimental evidence from a randomized school-feeding program in rural northwestern China. Economics Letters, 2020, Vol (191), 109134

8.      Wang, H; Zhao, Q; Bai, Y; Zhang, L; Yu, X*. Poverty and Subjective Poverty in Rural China. Social Indicators Research. 2020. 150:219242

9.      Zhao, Q; Yu, X*. Parental Nutrition Knowledge, Iron Deficiency and Children Anemia in Rural China. Journal of Development Studies, 2020, Vol (56), 578-595

10.   Wang, H*; Zhao, Q; BOSWELL, M; Rozelle, S. Can School Feeding Programs Reduce Malnutrition in Rural China? Journal of School Health. 2019. DOI: 10.1111/josh.12849.

11.   Chen, Q; Pei, C; Bai, Y; Zhao, Q*. Impacts of Nutrition Subsidies on Diet Diversity and Nutritional Outcomes of Primary School Students in Rural Northwestern China - Do Policy Targets and Incentives Matter? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019, 16, 2891.

12.   Liu, X; Zhao, Q; Chen, Q*. Better Nutrition, Healthier Mind? Experimental Evidence from Primary Schools in Rural Northwestern China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2019, 18(8), 1768–1779.

13.   Chen, Q; Wang, X; Zhao, Q*. Appearance Discrimination in Grading?  Evidence from Migrant Schools in China. Economics Letters, 2019, Vol (181), 116-119.

14.   Zhao, Q; Wang, X*; Rozelle, S. Better cognition, better school performance Evidence from primary schools in China. China Economic Review, 2019, Vol (55), 199-217.

15.   Zhu, C; Zhang, X; Zhao, Q; Chen, Q*. Hybrid marriages and phenotypic heterosis in offspring Evidence from China. Economics and Human Biology. 2018, (29), 102-114.

16.   Zhao, Q; Chen, Q; Xiao, Y; Tian, G; Chu, X; Liu, Q*. Saving Forests through Development? Fuelwood Consumption and the Energy-Ladder Hypothesis in Rural Southern China. Transformations in Business & Economics. 2017, Vol. 16, No 3 (42): 199-219.

17.   Yue, A; Shi, Y; Luo*, R; Zhang, L; Johnson, N; Rozelle, S; Zhao, QThe impact of investment on drinking water quality in rural ChinaChina Agricultural Economic Review. 2017, 9 (2): 255-269.

18.   Zhao, QBrosig, S; Luo, R*; Zhang, L; Yue, A; Rozelle, S. The New Rural Social Pension Program in Rural China: Participation and its CorrelatesChina Agricultural Economic Review. 2016, 8 (4): 647-661.

19.   Burggraf C, Kuhn L, Zhao Q*, Teuber R, Glauben T. “Economic growth and nutrition transition: an empirical analysis comparing demand elasticities for foods in China and Russia.” Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2015, 14(6), 1008-1022.

20.   Zhao Q*, Yu X, Wang X, Glauben T. “The impact of parental migration on children’s school performance in rural China.” China Economic Review, 2014, Vol (31), 43-54.

21.   Grant M*, Luo R, Zhang L, Sylvia S, Shi Y, Foo P, Zhao Q, Martorell R, Medina A, Rozelle S. “Effectiveness of provider incentives for anaemia reduction in rural China a cluster randomised trial.” BMJ: British Medical Journal, 2012, 345: e4809.

22.   Luo R*, Shi Y, Zhang L, Liu C, Sylvia S, Rozelle S, Sharbono B, Yue A, Zhao Q, Martorell R. “Nutrition and Educational Performance in Rural China’s Elementary Schools: Results of a Randomized Control Trial in Shaanxi Province.” Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2012, 60(4): 735-772. 

23.   Luo R*, Zhang L, Liu C, Zhao Q, Shi Y, Rozelle S, Sharbono B. “Behind before, they begin: The challenge of Early Childhood education in rural China.” Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 2012, Vol. 37, 55-64.

24.   Luo R, Zhang L*, Liu C, Zhao Q, Shi Y, Miller G, Yu E, Sharbono B, Medina A, Rozelle S, Martorell R. “Anaemia among Students of Rural China’s Elementary Schools: Prevalence and Correlates in Ningxia and Qinghai’s Poor Counties.” Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 2011, 29(5), 471-485.



1.      陶畅,赵启然,李军*,农村学龄儿童膳食多样性与营养状况关联性[J].中国农业大学学报,2022,27(06):290-300.

2.      冯娜娜,孙博睿,赵启然,孙小龙*. 未来预期、农户分化与宅基地退出抉择[J].长江流域资源与环境,202130 (10)2383-2391.

3.      朱晨,赵启然,王俊,司伟*,遗传经济学:理论、方法及其在经济学研究中的应用,经济评论,2021,(2):134-148.

4.      于季菲,赵启然*农村义务教育学生营养改善计划供餐方式对小学生身心健康的影响,教育与经济,202036(04)30-39.

5.      王新刚,司伟,赵启然,土地经营权稳定性对农户过量施肥的影响研究——基于黑龙江省地块层面数据的实证分析,中国农业资源与区划,202041(08)162-168.

6.      罗仁福,刘琰, 刘承芳, 张林秀, 赵启然,新型农村养老保险对农户家庭土地流转行为的影响——基于中国农村发展调查的5省农户微观数据,经济经纬,2019(5).

7.      陈海江,司伟,赵启然,粮豆轮作补贴:规模导向与瞄准偏差——基于生态补偿瞄准性视角的分析,中国农村经济,2019(1).

8.      闵师,项诚,王晓兵,赵启然,中国主要农产品生产的机械劳动力替代弹性分析,农业技术经济,2018(4).

9.      边芳,张林秀,罗仁福,赵启然,农村居民新农保参保行为及其影响因素,农业现代化研究,2018(1).

10.   高秋风,赵启然,罗仁福,农村环境治理项目投资决策的瞄准性与有效性分析——来自五省农村的证据,劳动经济研究,2017(10).

11.   罗仁福,刘承芳,张林秀,赵启然,岳爱,奖学金对中学生德育发展的影响评估-来自唐仲英爱心奖学金项目的实验研究,教育经济评论,2016(4).

12.   杨博琼,王晓兵,杨军,赵启然,绿色发展和外商直接投资政策选择,中国人口资源与环境,2013(10).

13.   杨博琼,杨军,赵启然FDI、技术外溢与东道国环境污染关系研究,对外经贸大学学报,2013(4).

14.   罗仁福,张林秀,赵启然,易红梅,史耀疆,Scott Rozelle,陕西贫困农村寄宿学校小学生贫血情况调查,中国学校卫生,2011(10).

15.   罗仁福,张林秀,赵启然,黄季焜,从农村公共基础设施变迁看未来农村公共投资方向,中国软科学,2011(9).

16.   罗仁福,张林秀,赵启然,刘承芳, 外部冲击对贫困农村外出务工劳动力就业的影响分析——以金融危机中贫困农村地区劳动力的就业为例, 经济经纬,2011(3).

17.   罗仁福,张林秀,刘承芳,赵启然,邓蒙芝,史耀疆,贫困农村儿童的能力发展状况及其影响因素,学前教育研究,2010(4).

18.   罗仁福,赵启然,何敏,刘承芳,张林秀,贫困农村学前教育现状调查,学前教育研究,2009(1).



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“我国农村学生营养认知,食物多样性及健康研究”(71973136)(2020.01-2023.12)

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“农村义务教育学生营养改善计划”的政策工具选择及机制研究”(71603261)(2017.01-2019.12)

3. 教育部人文社科基金青年项目“流动儿童和留守儿童健康及学业成绩的对比研究”(16YJC880107)(2016.07-2019.12)

4. 农业部农业农村资源等监测统计经费项目“印度农产品市场、贸易和政策监测”(2016.01-2016.12; 2017.01-2017.12; 2018.01-2018.12)

5. 农业部农业农村资源等监测统计经费项目“ 粮食最低收购价下调影响的跟踪评估及价格支持政策未来走向”(2018.01-2018.12)

6. 中国农业大学基本科研业务费“新型农村养老保险政策对农民影响研究”(2016.01-2018.12)

7. 大北农教育基金“国家‘农村义务教育学生营养改善计划’对学生健康与学业成绩影响研究”(2016.01-2017.09)

8. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所课题“苏州打工子弟视力保健对学业影响研究”(2015.04-2016.12)


1. 教育部人文社科基金一般项目“寄宿制对我国农村地区基础教育阶段学生人力资本积累的影响研究”(2018.07-2020.06)

2. 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目“中国西南天然橡胶生产区的农村经济转型研究”(2018.01-2021.12)

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“能源效率、环境规制与中国制糖业发展研究”(2017.01-2020.12)

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“市场发育、储藏条件和消费者认知对家庭食物浪费的影响”(2017.01-2020.12)

5. 现代农业产业技术体系―大豆项目(2016.01-2020.12)



研究生课程:《Special topics on Chinese agricultural economy》


1.     2021 优秀教师,中国农业大学

2.     2020 年度学者,中国青年农业经济学家论坛

3.     2019 青年新星 A,中国农业大学

4.     2017 《老年人焦虑症状调查研究》 获得北京高校青年教师社会调研优秀成果 一等奖,北京市委教育工作委员会

5.     2017 优秀班主任,中国农业大学

6.     2016 《养老服务模式创新研究》 获得北京高校青年教师社会调研优秀成果 一等奖,北京市委教育工作委员会

7.     2016 优秀班主任,中国农业大学

8.     2015 《北京市打工子弟小学教师队伍现状调研》 获得北京高校青年教师社会调研优秀成果 一等奖,北京市委教育工作委员会

9.     2014 国家优秀自费留学生奖学金 留学基金委
