

姓名: 白军飞


出生年月: 1974年10月

籍贯: 山西


学位: 博士

职称: 教授

职务: 北京食品安全政策与战略研究基地首席专家

所属系: 农业经济系

E--mail: jfbai@cau.edu.cn

联系地址: 北京市海淀区清华东路17号中国农业大学经济管理学院 100083

研究方向: 消费与健康经济;食品安全与政策;资源经济学与可持续发展



白军飞, 中国农业大学经济管理学院教授、博士生导师,北京食品安全政策与战略研究基地首席专家,中国农业大学经济管理学院食物与健康经济研究中心(C'FHER)的发起人,并担任首届执行主任; 主要研究领域包括消费与健康经济、食品安全与政策、资源经济与可持续发展;主持国家自然基金项目重点项目、面上项目和青年项目共5项、省部级课题、国际合作研究项目等30余项; 在包括American Journal of Agricultural Economics,Food Policy, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics, China Economic Review, 《管理世界》、《中国农村经济》等国内外核心学术期刊上发表近百篇研究论文。目前担任SSCI检索学术期刊China Agricultural Economics Review (CAER)副主编。

Junfei Bai

Dr. Junfei Bai is professor of agricultural economics at College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University (CAU).  He received his Ph.D. in economics from School of Economic Sciences at Washington State University. He currently serves as chief-economist of Beijing Food Safety Policy & Strategy Research Base and associate editor of China Agricultural Economic Review (CAER). Prior to CAU, he was assistant professor and associate professor at Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy at Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include consumer and household economics, food safety and health, and sustainable development. He is principal investigator for more than 40 research projects, including five projects granted by National Foundation of Sciences of China (NSFC). He has published near 100 academic articles in both domestic and international high-ranked journals.














Li, L., S. Zhai, J. Bai (2021), The Dynamic Impact of Income and Income Distribution on Food Consumption among Adults in Rural China, Journal of Integrative Agriculture ,20(01): 330-342.

Xu, Z., Z. Zhang, H. Liu, F. Zhong, J. Bai, S. Cheng, (2020) Food-away-from-home plate waste in China: Preference for variety and quantity, Food Policy, 97.

Zhang, M, L. Li, J. Bai (2020), Consumer acceptance of cultured meat in urban areas of three cities in China. Food Control. 118,107390.

Bai, J., J. Seale Jr., Thomas Wahl (2020), Meat demand in China: to include or not to include meat away from home, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics,64(1): 150-170.

Bai, J., C. Zhu (2019), Food economics and policies: challenges and approaches toward better nutrition and safer food in China, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 18(8): 1737-39. 

Yuan, M., J. L. Seale Jr, T.I. Wahl, and J. Bai* (2019) "The changing dietary patterns and health issues in China", China Agricultural Economic Review 11(1): 143-159.

Wang, Y., Wahl, T.I., Seale, J.L. and J. Bai, (2019) The effect of China’s family structure on household nutrition. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 10, 198-206. 

Wahl, T., J. Seale Jr, J. Bai, (2019) "Chinese urban consumer's perception of food-safety indicators", Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research 19 (3), 14288-14366.

Wang, H., J. Chen, J. Bai*, J. Lai (2018), "Meat packaging, preservation, and marketing implications: Consumer preferences in an emerging economy." Meat Science, 145: 300-307.

Min, S., J. Bai, J.Huang, H. Waibel (2018), "Willingness of smallholder rubber farmers to participate in ecosystem protection: Effects of household wealth and environmental awareness." Forest Policy and Economics 87: 70-84.

Chen, Q., T. Deng, J. Bai, X. He (2017), "Understanding the retirement-consumption puzzle through the lens of food consumption-fuzzy regression-discontinuity evidence from urban China." Food Policy, 73: 45-61.

Min, S., Waibel, H., Cadisch, G., Langenberger, G., Bai, J., & Huang, J. (2017), "The economics of smallholder rubber farming in a mountainous region of southwest China: Elevation, ethnicity, and risk." Mountain Research and Development, 37(3), 281-293.

Li, C., J.Bai, Z. Gao, J. Fu (2017), "Willingness to Pay for “Taste of Europe: Geographical Origin Labeling Controversy in China." British Food Journal 119(8):1897-1914. 

Min, S., J. Huang, J. Bai, H. Waibel (2017), "Adoption of Intercropping among Smallholder Rubber Farmers in Xishuangbanna, China." International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 15(3): 223-237.

Gao, Z., C. Li, J. Bai, J. Fu (2016), Chinese Consumer Quality Perception and Preference of Sustainable Milk. China Economic Review, S1043951X16300591.

Bai, J., C. Zhang, T. Wahl, J. Seale, (2016). “Dining out, the missing food consumption in China.” Applied Economics Letters 23(15): 1084-1087, DOI:10.1080/13504851.2015.1136388. 

Wang, Y., S. Xu, W. Yu, A. Abdul-Gafar, X. Liu, J. Bai, D. Zhang, L. Gao, X. Cao, Y. Liu. (2016) Food Packing: A Case Study of Dining Out in Beijing. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(15)61282-5.

Ding, J., J. Huang, X. Jia, J. Bai, S. Boucher, M. Carter, (2015). “Direct farm, production base, traceability and food safety in China.” Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 14(11), 2380–2390.

Min, S., J. Bai*, J. Seale Jr., T. Wahl, (2015) “Demographics, Societal Aging, and Meat Consumption in China -- Meat Economics in China and Its Impact.” Journal of Integrative Agriculture 14(6), 995-1007.

Liu, H., T. Wahl, J. Seale Jr., J. Bai* (2015) “Household Composition, Income, and Food Away from Home Consumption in Urban China.” Food Policy 51, 97-103. 

Jiang, L., K. Seto, J. Bai. (2015) “Urban economic development, changes in food consumption patterns and land requirements for food production in China.” China Agricultural Economic Review 7(2), 240-261.

Bai, J., Z. Xu, H. Qiu, H. Liu. (2015) “Optimising Seed Portfolios to Cope Ex Ante with Risks from Bad Weather: Evidence from a Recent Maize Farmer Survey in China.” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 59(2), 242-257. 

Bai, J., J. McCluskey, H. Wang, S. Min. (2014) “Dietary Globalization in Chinese Breakfasts.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 61(3), 325-341. 

Qiu, H., L. Sun, X. Xu, Y. Cai, J. Bai. (2014) Potentials of Crop Residues for Commercial Energy Production in China: A Geographic and Economic Analysis, Biomass and Bioenergy 64: 110-123.

Sun, D., J. Bai, H. Qiu, Y. Cai. (2014) The Impact of Government Subsidies on Household Biogas Use in Rural China, Energy Policy 73, 748-756.

Yang, J., X. Wang, H. Ma, J. Bai, Y. Jing, H. Yu. (2014) “Potential Usage, Vertical Coordination and Challenge of Biomass Resource: Evidence from China’s Crop Residues.” Applied Energy 114, 717-723. 

Sun, D., H. Qiu, J. Bai*, H. Liu, G. Lin, S. Rozelle. (2013) “Liquidity Constraints and Postharvest Selling Behavior: Evidence from China’s Maize Farmers.” The Developing Economies, 51(3), 260-277.

Bai, J., C. Zhang*, J. Jiang. (2013). “The Role of Certificate Issuer on Consumers’ Willingness-To-Pay for Milk Traceability in China.” Agricultural Economics 4-5: 537–544. 

Chiu, A., L. Li, S. Guo, J. Bai, C. Fedor, R. L. Naylor (2013). “Feed and fishmeal use in the production of carp and tilapia in China.” Aquaculture 414-415, 127-134.

Huang, K., J. Wang, J. Bai, H. Qiu. (2013) “Domestic Solid Waste Discharge and Its Determinants in Rural China.” China Agricultural Economic Review, 5(4) 512-525.

Wang, X., H. Hockmann, J. Bai, (2012) “Technical Efficiency and Producers' Individual Technology: Accounting for Within and Between Regional Farm Heterogeneity.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 60(4): 561-676.

Seale Jr., J., J. Bai*, T. Wahl, B. Lohmar, (2012) “Household Engel Curve Analysis for Food, Beijing, China.” China Agricultural Economic Review 4(4), 427-439.

Zhang, C., J. Bai*, T. Wahl. (2012) “Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Traceable Pork, Milk, and Edible Oil in Nanjing, China.”  Food Control 27: 21-28. 

Bai, J.,* C. Zhang, F. Qiao, T. Wahl. (2012) “Disaggregating Household Expenditures on Food Away from Home in Beijing by Type of Food Facility and Type of Meal.”  China Agricultural Economic Review, 4(1): 18-35. 

Ortega, D., H. Wang, N. Olynk, L. Wu, J. Bai. (2012) “Chinese Consumers’ Demand for Food Safety Attributes: A Push for Government and Industry Regulations.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 94(2):485-495. 

Bai, J.*, T. Wahl, B. Lohmar, and J. Huang. (2010) “Food Away from Home in Beijing: Effects of Wealth, Time and "Free" Meals” China Economic Review 21, 432-441.

Zhang, C., J. Bai*, B. Lohmar, and J. Huang. (2010) “How Do Consumers Determine the Safety of Milk in Beijing, China?” China Economic Review 21, s45-54. 

Bai, J.*, T. Wahl, and J. McCluskey. (2008) “Consumer Choice of Retail Food Store Formats in Qingdao, China.” Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 20(2): 89-109. 

Bai, J., T. Wahl, and J. McCluskey*. (2008) “Fluid Milk Consumption in Urban Qingdao, China.” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 52, 133-147.

Huang, J., H. Qiu, J. Bai, and C. Pray. (2006) “Awareness, Acceptance of and Willingness to Buy Genetically Modified Foods in Urban China.” Appetite 46:144-151. 

Lin, W., A. Somwaru, F. Tuan, J. Huang, and J. Bai. (2006) “Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Biotech Foods in China: A Contingent Valuation Approach.” AgBioForum 9(3): 166-179.

Lin, W., A. Somwaru, F. Tuan, J. Huang, and Junfei Bai. (2006) “Consumer Attitudes towards Biotech Foods in China.” Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 18(1/2): 177-203.


白军飞, 马英辉, 周蒙. 以消费者友好为导向 改革预包装食品标签规范, 《中国市场监管研究》,2020, (6): 59-60.

袁铭,白军飞*,“退休—消费之谜”:基于中国食物消费的理论与实证分析,《劳动经济研究》.2020, (8): 52-67.

李雷,白军飞*,张彩萍,贫困线视角下农村居民收入对膳食健康的影响研究——基于CHNS数据的微观实证,《农业现代化研究》,2020, (1):93-103.

张盼盼, 白军飞*, 刘晓洁, 成升魁, 消费端食物浪费:影响与行动,《自然资源学报》, 2019, (2): 437-450.

白军飞,张彩萍,罗京津,消费者对可追溯牛奶的支付意愿:基于属性不在场的选择实验,《中国食物与营养》,2019, (8): 57-62.

李雷,白军飞*.外出务工促进农村留守人员肉类消费了吗?——基于河南、四川、安徽和江西四省的实证分析.《农业技术经济》,2019(9): 27-36.

朱秋博,白军飞*,彭超,朱晨. 信息化提升了农业生产率吗?《中国农村经济》,2019,(4):1-19.

许菲,白军飞*,张彩萍. 中国城市居民肉类消费及其对水资源的影响:基于一致的Two-step QUAIDS模型研究",《农业技术经济》,2018, (8): 4-15. 

张盼盼, 白军飞, 成升魁, 刘晓洁. 信息干预是否影响食物浪费?——基于餐饮业随机干预试验 [J]. 《自然资源学报》, 2018, 33(8): 1439-1450.   

张盼盼, 王灵恩, 白军飞*, 刘晓洁, 成升魁, 符绍鹏. 旅游城市餐饮消费者食物浪费行为研究. 《资源科学》, 2018, 40(6): 1186-1195. 

许菲,张彩萍,白军飞*. 收入增长与老龄化对城镇居民食物消费水足迹的影响. 《资源科学》,2018,40(1):104-116.

成升魁,白军飞,金钟浩,王东阳,刘刚,高思,包景岭,李晓婷,李燃,蒋南青,鄢文静,张世钢,笔谈:食物浪费——谨防减少食物浪费的努力变成更大的浪费,《自然资源学报》, 2017年, 32(4): 529-538.

翟世贤,张彩萍,白军飞*,收入增长和城市化对液态奶消费结构的影响. 《中国农村经济》,2017, (8): 45-60.

闵师, 王晓兵, 白军飞, 黄季焜. 预期价格变动对农户生产行为调整的非对称影响——基于西双版纳胶农调查分析.《农业现代化研究》, 2017, 38(3): 475-483.

吕开宇,仇焕广,白军飞,徐志刚,玉米主产区深耕作业现状与发展对策,《农业现代化研究》2016, (1): 1-8.

邓婷鹤,何秀荣,白军飞,“退休-消费”之谜——基于家庭生产对消费下降的解释 ,《南方经济》, 2016, (5): 1-16.

张丹, 伦飞, 成升魁, 高利伟, 刘晓洁, 曹晓昌, 秦奇, 刘尧, 白军飞, 许世卫, 喻闻. 城市餐饮食物浪费的磷足迹及其环境排放——以北京市为例,《自然资源学报》, 2016, 31(5): 812-821.

张丹,成升魁,高利伟,曹晓昌,刘晓洁,刘尧,白军飞,喻闻,城市餐饮业食物浪费的生态足迹:以北京为例,《资源科学》,2016, 38(1): 10-18.

佘朝霞,白军飞*,刘剑文, J. Haggard,我国城市消费者对冷鲜肉的认知与购买意愿,《中国食物与营养》,2015, (4): 42-46.


王灵恩, 成升魁, 刘刚, 刘晓洁, 白军飞, 张丹, 高利伟, 曹晓昌, 刘尧, 中国食物浪费研究的理论与方法探析,《自然资源学报》,2015, (5): 715-724.

白军飞,闵师,仇焕广,王晓兵,人口老龄化对我国肉类消费的影响,《中国软科学》,2014, (11): 17-26.

张彩萍,白军飞*,蒋竞,认证对消费者支付意愿的影响:以可追溯牛奶为例,《中国农村经济》,2014, (8): 76-85. 

闵师,白军飞*,仇焕广,王晓兵,城市家庭在外肉类消费研究: 基于全国六城市的家庭饮食消费调查,《农业经济问题》,2014, (3): 90-95.

侯麟科,徐志刚,仇焕广,白军飞,农户风险偏好对农业生产要素投入的影响:以农户玉米品种选择为例,《农业技术经济》,2014, (5): 21-29.

仇焕广,蔡亚庆,白军飞,孙顶强,我国农村户用沼气补贴政策的实施效果研究,《农业经济问题》,2013, (2): 86-92.

黄开兴,王金霞,白军飞,仇焕广,农村生活固体垃圾排放及其治理对策分析,《中国软科学》,2012, (9): 72-79.

蔡亚庆,仇焕广,王金霞,白军飞,我国农村户用沼气使用效率及其影响因素——基于全国五省调研的实证研究,《中国软科学》,2012, (8): 58-64.

仇焕广,莫海霞,白军飞,王金霞,蔡亚庆,我国农村畜禽排泄物处理方式及其影响因素研究——来自全国五省调查的实证分析,《中国农村经济》,2012, (3): 78-87.

吕开宇,仇焕广,白军飞,徐志刚,中国玉米秸秆直接还田的发展现状分析,《中国人口·资源与环境》,2012, 2(8): 63-68.

闵师,白军飞,修长柏,城市居民白酒消费及其影响因素——基于在家与在外消费的实证研究,《中国食物与营养》,2012, (6): 39-45.

李玉敏,白军飞,王金霞,仇焕广, 农村居民生活固体垃圾排放及其影响因素, 《中国人口·资源与环境》,2012, 1(1): 24-28.

仇焕广,蔡亚庆,白军飞,孙顶强,我国农村户用沼气补贴政策实施效果研究,《农业经济问题》2012, 1(10): 8-14.

柳海燕,白军飞,仇焕广,习银生,徐志刚,仓储条件和流动性约束对农户粮食销售行为的影响——基于一个两期销售农户决策模型的研究,《管理世界》,2011, (11): 66-75.

仇焕广,蔡亚庆,白军飞,基于路径依赖视角对中国苹果产业区域发展模式异化的解释,《经济社会体制比较》,2011, 154(2): 78-83.

马瑞,徐志刚,仇焕广,白军飞*,农村进城就业人员的职业流动,城市变换和家属随同状况及影响因素分析,《中国农村观察》,2011, (1): 1-9、19.

蒋竞,白军飞*,张彩萍,北京城市居民水产品在外消费影响因素分析,《中国渔业经济》,2010, (2): 139-145.

张彩萍,白军飞*,在外饮食消费决策中的收入效应与时间效应--对北京市居民饮食消费的实证研究,《中国软科学》,2010, (9): 56-65.

黄季焜,仇焕广,白军飞, Carl Pray,“中国城市消费者对转基因食品的认知程度、接受程度和购买意愿”《中国软科学》, 2006, (2): 61-67.

闵师,白军飞,王金霞,仇焕广,李玉敏,价格激励对我国农村生活固体垃圾回收的效应分析,《农业环境与发展》,2011, (6): 76-81.

白军飞,张正河,谭向勇,中国农村城市化进程的研究,《农村与发展》1999, (1).








国家自然科学基金国际合作项目(主持人):中国西南天然橡胶生产区的农村经济转型研究, 2018.1-2020.12.



科技部国家重点研发计划(子课题负责人):食物浪费综合效应评估及减量化技术引进与研发, 2016.12-2019.11.









美国国家自然科学基金项目(核心成员):关于可持续食物系统中的磷利用研究(RCN-SEES: Coordinating Phosphorus Research to Create a Sustainable Food System. Granted Project by US National Science Foundation), 2013-2017. 




研究生课程:《高级微观经济学》、《经济学文献研读》、《Research Method and Writing》

