著作 中国与中东欧国家农业合作战略研究,编著,参编,中国农业科学技术出版社,2008 利用基本面分析在股市获利 全书翻译. 中国青年出版社,2007 波段交易入门. 全书翻译. 中国青年出版社,2008 短线交易五大绝技. 全书翻译. 中国青年出版社,2008 股票投资者必知的21个蜡烛图. 全书翻译. 中国青年出版社,2008 论文 Impacts of CAP Reform Health Check on China’s agricultural production and rural poverty.,The Society for Computational Economics’15th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance,2009,7 China - Eastern Europe agricultural trade: An Empirical Study Based on Gravity Model,IAMO Forum 2009,2009,6 近年来国际农产品价格变动趋势分析. 中国禽业导刊,2008,5 中国农业生产结构研究. 中国老区建设,2008,3 《GTAP模型动态和静态模拟方法的比较》. 《资本内生化条件下建立中澳自贸区对世界经济的影响》第六章(对外经贸大学资助课题报告). 2007,8 中印建立自贸区的经济影响. WTO经济导刊,2006,11 Bt Cotton in China: Are Secondary Insect Infestations Offsetting the Benefits in Farmer Fields? Agricultural Sciences in China,2009,1 推广转基因抗虫棉对次要害虫农药施用的影响分析. 农业技术经济,2007,1 Some Modeling Issues in CAPSiM Related to Disaggregating Demand Functions by Income Group for Food Policy Modeling. IFPRI Report, 2006 Bt Cotton in China: Are Secondary Insect Infestations Offsetting the Benefits in Farmer Fields? Presentation for the 26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, 2006, 8 Eight Years of Bt Cotton in Farmer Fields in China: Has the Bollworm Developed Resistance? Presentation for the 26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, 2006, 8 作为研究人类行为的金融经济学. 云南财贸学院学报,2003,3 噪声交易的进化博弈分析. 云南财贸学院学报,2003,1 习惯及价值导向的购买行为. 译著. AMBIO人类环境杂志(SCI收录),2005,34(4-5) 社会可持续性与合作学习. 译著. AMBIO人类环境杂志(SCI收录),2005,34(4-5). 食品生产的可持续发展:猪肉生产情景的案例研究. 译著. AMBIO人类环境杂志(SCI收录),2005,34(4-5) 金融约束:一种新模式. 译著. 国际经济与贸易情况,2003,1 |